Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So Pretty

These are my favorite flowers. 

White Gardenias



Aren't they beautiful??


  1. I love gardenias! Unfortunately...I am allergic to them. Or at least I am allergic to a gardenia scented hand soap we used to have. I washed my hands with it and they turned all red and splotchy and started itching like crazy. It was weird.

  2. Hailie, you are allergic to GERANIUM scented hand soap, not GARDENIA. You are a silly monster.

    And, Bailey...you have lovely taste in flowers. My mom loved gardenias and had several in her garden. Camellias fascinate me with their colors and design. Hydrangeas, what more can you say? They are simply beautiful!

    love and hugs, dear Bailey-
    Mrs. D.

  3. Ha! Hailie. You would. Silly. I miss you...

    Thank you, Mrs. D. Love and hugs back. You are wonderful.
